

  • Total Blogs - 791 ( Displaying 10 of total 791 blogs. )
Quote435 of the day

A mistake that we generally do is, that we don't look at every person as an individual. Manisha Dawar

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Quote434 of the day

It's not always the physical presence that matters, people who are special walk along you in you. Manisha Dawar

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Quote433 of the day

When you have a larger view to life, even the speedy journey might look temporarily still. Manisha Dawar

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Quote432 of the day

Each one of us has lot of positive energy in us, all we need to do is, to sit in peace with ourselves to acknowledge it.

Manisha Dawar 

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Quote431 of the day

Irrespective of what you plan today, tomorrow will always remain future.

Manisha Dawar 

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Quote430 of the day

Its not failure but the fear of failure that pushes you away from your dreams.

Manisha Dawar 

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Quote429 of the day

You would always have time but no moments without your loved ones. Manisha Dawar

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Quote428 of the day

A day often flash backs at night, be careful of what you add to it, don't regret thinking what you missed under the influence of anger. Manisha Dawar

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Quote427 of the day

When you choose not to speak about an issue, you allow time and mind to manifest it in a way human ego might find it satisfactory. 

Manisha Dawar 

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Quote426 of the day

The Irony is that the peaceful nights that you often wait for post tiring days, are mostly spent as late nights. Manisha Dawar

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Fiction, Relationship and Learning from Life MadhuKarama Gurugram India