

  • Total Blogs - 791 ( Displaying 10 of total 791 blogs. )
Quote292 of the day

Efforts are not only put in to get something unnatural, but are also put in to get back something that you have lost by your mistakes. Manisha Dawar

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Quote291 of the day

It's only when you see a tougher time that you start valuing today better. Manisha Dawar

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Quote290 of the day

Challenges of today would be learnings for tomorrow, and the kind of learnings would depend on your actions of today. Manisha Dawar

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Love that makes you feel weak is not worth living. Manisha Dawar

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Quote288 of the day

There can't be a better feeling than looking back to yourself and smile back. Manisha Dawar

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Quote287 of the day

When life seems worthless look at what you have, which many others don't. Manisha Dawar

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Quote286 of the day

The way you deal with difficult times define your strengths and weaknesses. Manisha Dawar

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Quote285 of the day

It's easy to be a dictator but difficult to be a leader. Manisha Dawar

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Quote284 of the day

Your health is not only determined by the state of your body but with your state of mind too. Manisha Dawar

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quote283 of the day

Happiness is not only what you say you can give, but its the emotion that other person can feel effortlessly.

Manisha Dawar

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Fiction, Relationship and Learning from Life MadhuKarama Gurugram India