Building Blocks

My four year old nephew happened to be playing blocks and using his own permutation combination to build up a colorful and tall building. After he was done building it up and was in mode of celebrating the moment of pride, the tower collapsed and he looked upset, as his hard work had come down, his dreamful eyes now seemed watery. On this my sister approached him and assured assistance in building the blocks again to which he lightened up, but unfortunately the building fell down again.


This  was not just a game but a scenario that most of us face in our life at one point or the other, they are certain dreams that we try to achieve and as we near the stage of fulfillment it shatters back. It breaks us, someone comes to assist us and build it up again but we can’t really succeed till the time we understand the reason of failure, or look into our shortcomings. Also its very important to gather the courage and stand by once again to fulfill your dream, chase the dream till it becomes your passion and give your best, and after you have given your best just forget the rest.

Manisha Dawar

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Fiction, Relationship and Learning from Life MadhuKarama Gurugram India