Learn to Walk

It was A lazy day recovering from illness, all I was looking for was something interesting on tv. Some nice movie, and there I found an old movie. After enjoying it I was looking for something else when I stopped on one of the old channels DD, what caught my attention was one of the famous Indian classical dance «kathak» while the lady performed with elegance it was her patience to live through the slow music that have me the inspiration of the day, and it was to learn to walk. In our busy lives in the hush to achieve everything we have forgotten to walk. The run that we keep following results in no good because we don't realize that its important to rest to slow down and understand our needs, to gather energy to think and then moving towards our goal. While it is important to run its equally important to walk and gather right sources


Manisha Dawar

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Fiction, Relationship and Learning from Life MadhuKarama Gurugram India