
The fitness kida had struck me pre marathon, but started showing effects post marathon, it was then when I felt the need to be fit and giving that joy to myself and favour my body with the happy hormones. The joy of it is all different being nature lover, and the pleasure of waking up early and welcoming the Sun and playing with the misty cold breeze is al I look forward to. While all these were enough a source of motivation but something that really motivates a human and assist him moving on the right track is monitoring.

While all of us hate being monitored and would not always accept feedback positively but the truth is that it’s essential for efficient performance, I didn’t have to really have an excuse to realize it but yes something that really helped me accept monitoring in positive sense was this small incident that I am sharing with you.

The way Pinkathon impacted me so did it make a difference to others around me, my colleagues around had now started caring pedometer and sharing their scores, it is then when I felt that there is some joy that I am missing at, and then is when I decided to download an app and start monitoring myself and understand the beautiful message that laid behind self-monitoring. This is just an example and  you know it better what field and stages of your life need to be monitored.

Manisha Dawar

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Fiction, Relationship and Learning from Life MadhuKarama Gurugram India