New Journey

When we say life is a learning at every step and there is something to learn every day we really need to keep our eyes and ears open to tap the opportunity.

I was taking mom to my uncle place, and was following new route in metro, the time didn’t seem to be passing and the distance seemed never ending, its only when I looked at the watch that I realized that we were travelling for an hour, which is otherwise the normal time that I take to reach office. So why was it that this journey looked so long.

Here came the moment of truth, the journey that we cover regularly passes away with ease because we are aware of the route that we pass on, so is life the daily routine and the things that we do every day pass by with ease. While when we have to take new route or say a new challenge the route looks very long as we don’t know what’s lies ahead.

It’s all a mind game.

Manisha Dawar

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Fiction, Relationship and Learning from Life MadhuKarama Gurugram India