
Don’t know how many of us are God fearing and how many are God believing, it’s so contradictory to find people behaving against their believes that they display or supposedly carry.

Without naming any group here with due respect to all those who are feared of God and the ones who believe in God, I would like to question what is it that you are following? A belief that is being carried for years and centuries, models off God who were never seen, that have been continued the same way round from ages, on calendars to diaries, postcards and any possible source, limits have far passed by, by getting prints on T-Shirts, saree’s and duppata’s.

Don’t know where exactly does God recite, and what is the medium he chooses to travel from state to state, I am not sure if I would ever get a chance to see him, for even if I dream of him it would be the illusion of image that has been created in my mind since I was born. It would possibly be a combination of various pictures I have been seeing for ages.

God please be visible in the person whom I may just end up hurting when I am under the influence of anger. Also please do appear when I have to choose between right and wrong and may have to go against my loved ones. May I also request you to please reside in me so that every time I get a negative thought you enlighten my way and support me. God please come as an Omen and be my mentor for life.

May you recite in every human and may we see you in each other and treat others the way we want to be treated.


Manisha Dawar

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