
While sorry and thank you both are golden words, but SORRY is the most precious word that all of us want to preserve. What makes me say so?  Don’t you know? Isn’t it a bitter truth that all of us have faced at one point or the other?

A small instance in metro was a reminder to what I always felt, SORRY is  a very heavy word. And this heaviness is all because of the prestigious EGO that we carry, that EGO which over powers you and your sense of judgment or should I place it better, a fair judgment.

The infant in metro tried to snatch my specs and they would have fallen immediately, while I didn’t react to it but the guardians of infant eager to teach him etiquettes asked him to say sorry, but the infant didn’t agree to it and rather expressed disguise over the incident. I can’t be questioning the infants intention here but yes it definitely showed me the mirror of what we are. The truth is that we very easily say sorry to small instances that hurt each other and don’t even matter, but never really say sorry when the extent of damage is high, and we feel ashamed of saying sorry as we are not ready to accept the fact that we can be wrong. We are ready to live with guilt of wrong but can’t be light heartened by accepting the mistake. When you can be little someone in public then why can’t you belittle your EGO and raise respect for self.

When we don’t feel small or little while harming someone, then why do we feel little to use the simple word? Does not accepting your mistake roles you out of the harm that is already caused.

THANK YOU for reading through, hoping that sorry is lighter than ever before. Use the golden words with heart, for what you win by investments of these words is a treasure that no one can snatch for you.

Manisha Dawar

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Fiction, Relationship and Learning from Life MadhuKarama Gurugram India