A common phrase which we all use when we face any failure is that so and so person broke my faith. If you look back to situations and do deep analysis you would realise that you have a treasure of faith and you choose to give it to some one after she or he passes your criteria and once you have given something to others it is no more your possession, hence you are not responsible for the conduct of the other person and how this person treats it. You can only expect that the person would value your treasure as his own and deal with it the way she or he would have wanted his treasure to be treated.
So ideally no one can break your faith accept for you yourself. Its only you who is responsible for your own treasure that you possess. What you have given is already gone and you shouldn't have endearment to it.
Manisha Dawar
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Fiction, Relationship and Learning from Life MadhuKarama Gurugram India
Treasure of faith
A common phrase which we all use when we face any failure is that so and so person broke my faith. If you look back to situations and do deep analysis you would realise that you have a treasure of faith and you choose to give it to some one after she or he passes your criteria and once you have given something to others it is no more your possession, hence you are not responsible for the conduct of the other person and how this person treats it. You can only expect that the person would value your treasure as his own and deal with it the way she or he would have wanted his treasure to be treated.
So ideally no one can break your faith accept for you yourself. Its only you who is responsible for your own treasure that you possess. What you have given is already gone and you shouldn't have endearment to it.
Manisha Dawar