Yes I Can

I have never thought so much before writing the blog for the day, I started writing many lines, deleted many, started new topic and deleted again, and came back to what really inspired me today. I skipped writing it as I have already spoke about it in one of my blogs earlier, but it is only fair to share it again as I have strongly believed it today. We have always heard people saying that learn to speak no to make your life easy, but what I have learnt today is, learn to say yes. Say it for it increases your confidence in self, say yes to every new challenge that is brought your way, welcome it without any pre notions or conditions in mind and then would you realize what is your real potential.

You are the best judge of your potentials and you are the best competitor to self, you can also be your own mentor, but this all lies in the art of accepting situations they come your way and the way you react to them.

It’s important to welcome every situation that comes your way for you may not even realize but almighty has his own way to teach you the lessons of life and take you high.

Next time when you get any challenge or you are assigned a task, say yes I can and say Yes I will definitely give it a shot. Welcome life as it comes your way, for its only your positive thoughts and acceptance that would make it beautiful.

Say it now and say it again “YES I CAN”

Manisha Dawar

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Fiction, Relationship and Learning from Life MadhuKarama Gurugram India