judge wisely

Todays inspiration comes from my class on organisational behaviour. I must say that professor was well qualified and experienced, he knew how to keep class engaged. He was spontaneous and related examples from common occurring situations that general audience could understand. While doing so he discussed behaviours of individual and how we can categorize the factors affecting a human behaviour in two parts, internal and external. A student from class created the perception of behaviour as a personal judgment and directly related it to good or bad and felt offended with one example shared by professor. To mellow down the situation professor said a very simple statement which I thoroughly agreed to, A person can't be or rather shouldn't be judged by his behaviour only but consideration should be paid to the outcome of the behaviour and its impact on others. 
To make it simple to understand let me give an example of two people who might often get angry, though we May say that both persons have bad habbits, the severity of it May depend on how the person reacts when he is angry and how he impacts others. While one person May chose to use harsh words or mis behave with others, other person might chose to stay calm and go in solitude. Considering these two scenarios,  would it be right to keep both persons under same behavioural traits? I am certain you are wise enough to decide on this.

My learning from day becomes simple, don't form judgement on any one just by his traits but also read the impact it creates to surroundings.

Manisha Dawar

judge wisely

Todays inspiration comes from my class on organisational behaviour. I must say that professor was well qualified and experienced, he knew how to keep class engaged. He was spontaneous and related examples from common occurring situations that general audience could understand. While doing so he discussed behaviours of individual and how we can categorize the factors affecting a human behaviour in two parts, internal and external. A student from class created the perception of behaviour as a personal judgment and directly related it to good or bad and felt offended with one example shared by professor. To mellow down the situation professor said a very simple statement which I thoroughly agreed to, A person can't be or rather shouldn't be judged by his behaviour only but consideration should be paid to the outcome of the behaviour and its impact on others. 
To make it simple to understand let me give an example of two people who might often get angry, though we May say that both persons have bad habbits, the severity of it May depend on how the person reacts when he is angry and how he impacts others. While one person May chose to use harsh words or mis behave with others, other person might chose to stay calm and go in solitude. Considering these two scenarios,  would it be right to keep both persons under same behavioural traits? I am certain you are wise enough to decide on this.

My learning from day becomes simple, don't form judgement on any one just by his traits but also read the impact it creates to surroundings.

Manisha Dawar

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Fiction, Relationship and Learning from Life MadhuKarama Gurugram India