on lookers

What are the things that catch your immediate attention? Anything unusual right ? So was one such situation that caught attention of the lady traveling next to me. A fight between two men. I was surprised to see her body language. She just responded to my inquisitive eyes saying that she was afraid of fights. Having been travelling wiyj a child I could have understood her concern, but considering the fact that she was family away from the people engaged in fight I found she was just an on looker waiting for some entertainment. While here they were these two men who were being source of entertainment, May a times we become source of entertainment  for others and this is just because we don't have control over are reactions. You would find on looker at every point of your life, but your role is to decide you want to be a source of entertainment or learning.

Manisha Dawar,


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Fiction, Relationship and Learning from Life MadhuKarama Gurugram India