travel etiquette

I exactly know what people mean When they say that you should keep travelling because it teaches you a lot. If you look back at places where you have travelled you would find that each city had its own culture which directly impacted the thought process of people around. This is best discovered when you step out of your comfort zone and are ready to interact to locals, geared up to catch public vehicles and dressed not to killed but to look approachable. I Just realised that they are certain travel etiquette that you should always follow apart from the ones I have already listed above, and they are- try to speak local language or at least tone down your accent to make people of your host city a little comfortable, appreciate the tradition and culture around and be open minded. Be polite and patient, show your smartness only when required, speak sense and keep a low profile. Last but not the least respect all and be ready to be rich at heart and not just pocket. Walk and talk you will be surprised with the learnings you would have at the end of your trip, always try local cuisine and best at they are best tried on streets if you don't have a sensitive stomach and before you actually decide to leave ask yourself would at least one person in this city remember you for a clean heart? If not I am sorry my friend but the truth is that your journey was incomplete.

Travel safe

Manisha Dawar

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Fiction, Relationship and Learning from Life MadhuKarama Gurugram India