you dont value it till you have lost it

I saw a mid-aged lady struggling to walk, hence she was dependent on her son to almost carry her. I felt bad for  her condition and said in my mind I hope no one ever comes to such situation. The immediate thought in my mind was, how much do we actually value our body and how much do we care for it, fitness to us means survival and nothing else. We the educated class don’t understand the concept of daily workout, if you ask someone in India about the need of daily fitness they would say, oh its needed for the ones who are fat we are fit any ways and the homemakers often say we keep doing so much work the entire day, we are fit. The ones at office say we hardly get time we are so caught up with work, these excuse work until when your doctor has actually showed you your real picture with the increase of fatty acids in your body and the high cholesterol, or proved you diabetic because of irregular eating and sleeping habits.

You realize the worth of each body part only when it starts malfunctioning or has stopped functioning temporarily or God forbid permanently, but my friend, the truth is that its already too late and now probably it will take double the efforts to revive it and try to come to normal human cycle, or probably you will never be able to come to normal cycle.

I might not be the first one to explain you all this, but I have just shared my realization hoping that it might make  positive impact to at-least one person who would further spread this message. After all, HEALTH is WEALTH.

Manisha Dawar

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Fiction, Relationship and Learning from Life MadhuKarama Gurugram India